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Gifts for Colorado Kids

Providing gifts for Colorado kids with open abuse and neglect cases.

Home: Welcome


Here at Gifts for Colorado Kids, we are driven by a single goal; to help children. We provide gifts to children who have open neglect and abuse cases.  We will work with the guardian ad litem to determine the children’s needs and wants and provide gifts as resources are available.  Currently, we work with most of the counties along the front range, and Durango.

Home: Who We Are

Ways We Help


Holiday Gifts

Beginning November and December, we match givers with holiday gift lists from children.  For many of these children, this will be the only gift they receive, for some it is their first gift.   We ask that people spend $50 or more to fill some or all of the child's list.  Gifts don't have to be wrapped, but if you would like, you can put it in a gift bag.  We also take new toys and gift cards, which we use to fill lists of kids who aren't sponsored, or for children who enter the system close to the holidays.

Gifts Throughout the Year

We will do a backpack collection in the summer.  You can sponsor specific kids and fill their school supply  list, or donate general supplies.   We always need bedding, hygiene items, new shoes and diapers. Please let us know if you can help, through our contact button.

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Make a Difference Today!

Thank you for considering donating to Gifts for Colorado Kids.  100% of your donations go to helping kids in need.  We typically use it for urgent needs like bedding, warm clothing, or other necessities.

Home: Donate
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